We live in uncertain times. Despite a world in which most labour is automated, our technological advances have failed to eliminate the hardships faced by some of our society's most vulnerable members. Homelessness is an issue that continues to plague the UK and we desperately need new and innovative solutions to move beyond this barbaric state of affairs. Safe shelter should be a fundamental human right in a modern and civilised society.
CP Creative were therefore honoured to be asked to produce photographs for one such innovative solution. Built by Hill, Solohaus are tiny homes specially designed, furnished and fully equipped for a single person to move straight into.
Each modular home provides independent space and a clean, safe and comfortable environment for residents. One of the trappings of homelessness is how difficult it can be to get the basics together without an address. These units provide an excellent base for people whilst they wait to move into something larger and more permanent.
The homes are exceedingly energy efficient and are being built across the UK in small sites like this one.
Projects like Solohaus can literally change people's lives and will help to shift the fabric of our country for the better.